Synergy may be defined as two or more forces working together in tandem to produce a result far more not obtainable if it is carried out by itself, alone and independently.
For example, if you have ten sales men selling Product a, and ten sales men selling Product B for you. If each group could produce 50 sales then you have a total of 100 sales.
Now if we would combined the two groups together and cross-selling each other products, the synergy created would enough to produce much more than if they would have produced when they are selling as a single entity
If used in a marketing environment it means that teamwork will produce an overall better result than if each person was working toward the same goal individually.
Everything in this world is basically related to one another. We cannot exist as an individual. We live in the world of co-existence if we want to progress and be more productive.
In business, we cannot survive as a single entity as we have seen earlier, but we thrive when we works in groups or in collaboration with one another
Its effectiveness lies on your interdependence on another like teamwork and working together or sharing ideals with that of another human being.
Synergy will not work to solve any problem if every individual is going their own way.
As an effective individual, you have a freedom of choice. You can choose to be proactive and seek to understand about a problem or a situation that needs to be solved or acted upon.
As an effective person, you can take actions in areas that are within your control.
You can take charge of your own self and cast aside any negative vibes and you could look for the good side in others and make use of that good to view others in a different positive perspective.
By not being judgmental or disagrees with others, what you can do is that you can affirm them and seek to understand them.
Do not look at yourself first and others as theirs, but look on how you can reach a common ground. Look for the Win-win synergy
Daniel kemka is a constant speaker in seminars, community development programs, conferences, institutions and NGOs. You can always interact with him via his web blog on or you can visit his fan page on www.DANIELKEMKA/