Key to personal and organizational success
Daniel miracle kemka  


In every venture, there are those who excel more than the others. They might all have started out together at the same time, with similar strategy, ideology and possibly the same objective but in the process of time, they produce different results.

Time is known to be one of the fundamental factors that separate the weeds from the tars. Time exposes the potential of any venture or undertaking so as to reveal its true essence, nature and motivation which usually reflects on the effect of such undertaking or venture. Time also reveals the quality of a brand.

In our business world today, a lot of brands have ceased to exist, while others are still waxing strong. For instance, in the beverage industry, few years ago, there were some quick fix brands that emerged and gained so much prominence for a period of time, but afterwards, they went out of business and eventually lost their name. However some other beverage brands like Coca-Cola, Pepsi etc are still standing, having been in existence for a very long period of time. As a matter of fact, they are still trendy and in vogue, whereas, other brands that existed as replicas have for long become extinct.

 The big question is “why”? Well, there are so many explicable and unquantifiable reasons that could have resulted in the extinction of so many ideas, businesses, companies etc  But perhaps, one of the major reasons is that, most ventures, businesses, visions etc lack “originality” which is a major component for its durability. The lack of it is one of such reasons why so many promising projects, brands, ventures, vision are no longer standing today.

If that be the case, what is originality? It is the quality of being new and interesting in a way that is different from anything that has existed before.

Originality can also be said to be the ability to think independently; the ability to be inventive or novel and the quality of being new or unusual.

From these definitions, we can deduce that whatever is not new, interesting, different, novel, unusual and inventive lacks originality. I don’t care how some “intelligent” business gurus, professors, experts and specialists try hard to define, deduce or coin the word “originality” to suit their theories or stratagem, thereby making it loose its true meaning. I owe no one any apology on this one. The definition of originality is as simple as it is. 

Therefore, whatever it is you are embarking upon; you must first and foremost, carry out a barometer and a thermometer test of originality on it. If the pressure and the temperature of its originality are very low, I’ll strongly advise that you quit. The reason is that, whatever lacks the element of originality in it will not and cannot be durable and It is during the test of time that we know the capacity of the originality a person or a thing possesses.

Look through the annals of history, you will observe that ideas have come and gone; projects, businesses and companies have come and gone. However, the ones that have stood the test of time have continued to be proactive, innovative, inventive and resourceful and this is on the bases of the fact that they are all stemmed in the root of originality.

It is imperative that you know, understand and imbibe these fundamental facts and apply it to your life and that of your organization, in order to experience the success that you desire.


1.      It Originality is a propelling factor for invention and creativity.

2.      Originality incubates genuine substance and products:

3.      There is no duality of identity in originality.

4.      Everything ever created by God is rooted in originality

5.      The ingenuity and quality of a substance/product is s function of originality.

6.      The originality of a product prolongs its lifespan.

7.      Originality is a powerful force that stands the test of time.

The concept of originality cannot be over emphasized. Therefore, seek to be original in whatever strategic or creative field and industry you are involved in either as an Artist, Artistes, Author, Actor, Entrepreneur, scrip-writer, Accountant etc  I hope to get your feedback on how this article has inspired you.

 About Daniel

Daniel miracle kemka, DMK as he is fondly called is a prolific Motivational Speaker, MC/Compere, Blogger, Strategic Development Consultant, Talent Maximization Specialist, Life Coach, On-air Personality, Author and a Business man.
As a keynote speaker and facilitator, he speaks in conferences, schools, corporations, NGOs, churches, business forums and youth events. His central message is the fact that man has been endowed with all he needs to live and lead a successful and a fulfilling life.
For over a decade, Daniel has been one of the leading voices in the transformation of ordinary followers to extra ordinary leaders, turning ordinary employees grand business owners, helping young people become enterprising, as he seeks to help humanity discover and develop their talents, gifts, abilities and skills.
He is the founder and convener of DMK Talent Club. To know more about dmk talent club click and follow on also click and like the Facebook Page on talent club  
Daniel is based in Lagos, Nigeria.
To have Daniel speak in your program or event simply send him a mail on or call: 234-7036383510


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