Do you possess these traits?

Self-centered egoistic people are all around us and they are causing so much untold pain and suffering in families, relationships, churches, organizations and businesses. It is time to identity and separate from them before things get worse than it already is. Here are the 31 shocking traits of these set of crazy people.

1. Self-centered people are not concerned about showing care to others but the earnestly desire to be cared for more than anyone else.

2. They don’t want to give listening ears to others but they want to be listened to and when you don’t listen to them, they are offended. 

3. SCPs claim they are not good with calling or checking up on other people but they want other people to always call and check up on them. 

4. They say they don’t know how to show love to other people but they want to be given all the love in this world.

5. They claim they are not good with giving gifts to others but they are the first to demand to be showered with gifts from others. 

6. SCPs feel less concerned about other people’s feelings, but they want every other person to know how they feel. 

7. Other people’s opinions don’t count to them but you are in serious trouble if you don’t listen or adhere to their own opinion. 

8. They dominate every conversation, making everyone feel they are smarter. 

9. They get angry at other people’s slight mistakes but don’t want others to make any comment on theirs. 

10. They can push you to go out of your way to please them even at your own inconvenience but they come up with reasonable excuses just to avoid pleasing someone else. 

11. Their friendship is based on selfish interest; they only relate with you based on what they can get from you. 

12. They will never support any project or assignment but are quick to criticize the project or assignment. 

13. In terms of ceremonies or special occasions organized by others, you hardly see them supporting in any way, but you become their enemy when you fail to support them during theirs. 

14. SCPs are too quick to judge others but never want to be raised an eye brow on. 

15. They are quick to spot mistakes, errors and weaknesses in others but when you mistakenly spot theirs, they quickly debunk it. 

16. They are good with withholding their resources, making you feel as if they don’t have but are quick to help you squander and exhaust your own resources. 

17. They are good with manipulating others for their own selfish reasons and ambition; it’s all about what they stand to gain. 

18. They are so deceptive in their character that it takes someone who is sensitive to spot out their deception. 

19. They are so concerned about the immediate but are willing to trade the ultimate at any given price. 

20. They are quick to ruining relationships that would have added value to them. 

21. They are good with playing the blame game; they are never at fault because they feel they are always right. 

22. They never see the need to add value to other people so long as you are not related to them. 

23. When they want to disapprove of your idea or suggestion, they pretend to speak on behalf of everyone in disguise of speaking for themselves. 

24. When it comes to work, you will never see them but when it comes to reward, they are already at the forefront and you are in trouble if you don’t reward them. 

25. SCPs are so concerned about their reputation and they are willing to protect it at all cost irrespective if whose axes they grind and whose feelings they trample upon. 

26. They are egoistic in nature, so full of themselves that they find it absolutely difficult to admit their fault even if they know they are wrong. 

27. They are quick to look down on other people; they feel they are better off whereas they don’t want others to look down on them. 

28. They are not willing to sow or plant but are more eager to reap where they did not sow only for them to destroy the harvest with their selfish nature. 

29. SCPs by default have been programmed to be consumers as they find it extremely difficult to think about large scale production that will benefit a large number of people. This they find very uncomfortable. 

30. They are so myopic in their thinking that all they think about is themselves. 

31. SCPs do not want be exposed. Therefore, they always want to hide under the shadows putting up a face of self-righteousness in other not to be seen for who they really are. As a result, write-ups like this really makes them very so uncomfortable.

This is an eye opener in spotting out and eliminating people with these traits from your life, relationships and business.

Your maturity is principally measured by how selfless you are. If all you think about is yourself and what you can get, then irrespective of your age you are still classified as a child. 

Therefore, if by any reason you possess these horrible traits either as a man or a woman in whichever capacity you find yourself, it is time to deal with them, it is time to turn a turn a new leaf, it is time to experience a 360 degree turn around.


I am just trying to make an uncommon sense

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