Lara kudayisi

If you check history or even around you, you'll find that girls who had rough and unpleasant pasts get married on time, choose better husbands, and they seem to live more Happily than women who were holier and more chaste in their single-hood.


This situation looks very unfair. Especially if you are to look at it logically, spiritually and in all ways. It looks and sounds UNFAIR, period!!!


So, why do they get it better? Why do they who we think should be suffering are happier? Why do women who should be living in bliss living in unhappiness and sorrow? Why do they have to do vigils and fast to make their home harmonious?

Firstly, it's the fact that those girls choose their husbands logically and not emotionally. They have dated the good, the bad and the idiots. They know who is in love, who is faking it and who truly a good man is. 


These girls used to be players, so they look beyond the feeling of love. They look at the history of the man, his current attitudes and they make a calculated decision with their heads and not their hearts because they know that hearts can be misleading.


Secondly, they know what men want and they give it to them. They are not wives who want to play holy and safe in their homes. They know a man wants food and they give it to him. They know he needs sex and they spice it up with different flavors. No forming, No dulling! They know he loves good and sexy dressing and they do just that and give him his fantasies right in his house.


If you're a girl who wants a better husband, In addition to your holiness and home training, you need to take lessons from these kind of girls so that you can enjoy your marriage instead of enduring it. 

Culled by 
Daniel Miracle Kemka
for: DanielkemkaSpeaks Blog


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