In my little years of personal research and study as regards relating with Individuals, learning and analyzing people’s behaviors and why they do what they do, I have come to discover that most major causes of eventual marriage breakups are as a result of some character flaws that were either not quickly identified or were probably neglected, ignored, overlooked. Which has resulted into heinous calamities that have befallen so many marriages of which some have led to domestic brutality, murder and death as a worst case scenario.

These pernicious character flaws are initially harmless, daisy and cunning but when they eventually reveal their ugly heads, they become a menace to the parties involved because they were not dealt with at the earlier stage.
A lot of people are already victims of these character flaws. However, it is not too late to identify and deal with them if you find out that you are a victim of it or you know someone who is a victim of it. 

I recommend that you carefully peruse through these character flaws, understand them, deliberate and ruminate on them and then consciously eliminate them from your life if you possess them and if you are in a relationship with someone with these character flaws you can either help them to deal with it if you can or you walk away for you own safety if you can’t.


1.     LUKE WARMNESS: this means to be indifferent in nature. It also means to be nonchalant or laid-back about anything. It means to be neither here nor there, it also means to be unenthusiastic about anything.

Nobody likes to eat a lukewarm food; nobody likes to eat a soured food which is neither hot nor cold. A person that is lukewarm is sitting on the fence. Sitting on the fence can also be classified as being in a comfort zone.
People with such character flaws don’t strive to improve or become better at anything and at the same time they are not bad either because they are just existing.  Nothing moves them, nothing impresses them, nothing inspires them and nothing motivates them.

They are not enthusiastic about life and they are not willing to make any effort to make anything work including their relationship or marriage.  Such people can be said to be stagnant and we all know the effect a stagnant water can cause in an environment.

When you are in a relationship with such people, they seldom make any effort to make the relationship work, they are just cold and unresponsive about it.

The effect is that the relationship or marriage soon becomes soured, polluted and irritating as a result of the stagnancy and the Lukewarmness.

2.     DECEPTION: this is similar to what is called mirage; implying the fact that ‘what you see is not what it seems’. Individuals with deceptive character flaw portrays to people what they are not.

It is better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you are not”.

Deception hides in disguise and makes you believe what is not real. People with deceptive character flaws smile with you but sting you in the back. They portray to be nice for people to see, but are devil incarnates. They wreck their own marriage or relationship or that of someone else and even organizations as well but they appear to be harmless in disguise.

Those individuals who have perfected their deceptive character flaws cannot be easily spotted but it takes the spirit of God to reveal their innermost motives. However, by careful observation and insight, they can be spotted.   

As a preventive measure, if you spot a deceptive character trait in a child at an early stage, ensure that you deal with it immediately before it escalates and don’t assume that the child is still young.

3.     MANIPULATORS: this is a character defect that tend to use and dump people for selfish reasons and ambitions. This is the kind of tactics that Politicians usually apply in order to win the heart of the people. Majority of the militant groups also use this vices to beguile their subordinates.

Manipulation is a way of making an individual or a group of people believe what is not real in order to gain or obtain something valuable from them. People with manipulative character flaw are usually self-centered. Most men have this flaw but statistics have shown that women are specialists on this.

Manipulators only call you when they need you or your services; they don’t really give a hoot about you and as long as they get what they want from you, you are no longer relevant to them. Now, imagine a man with such character flaw in a friendship, relationship or marriage.

On the other hand, imagine a woman with such character flaw in a friendship, relationship or marriage, I tell you, there is nothing that can be as disastrous as that.

4.     NAGATORS: Nagators are commonly called pessimists. They are cynics by nature and they are always negative about anything and everything; they never see anything good in life.

Yes! It’s good to sometimes identify possible negative outcome in a situation but when it becomes a norm then something is definitely wrong. For people with such character flaw, there is nothing you can do to satisfy them; as a matter of fact they will always see a loop hole in everything you do.

Most women have this character flaw but statistics have shown that men are the worst hit on this character flaw. So imagine an individual, living with someone who possesses such character flaw.

Life will become unbearable for such person and such person could eventually develop low self-esteem, depression, suicidal attempt etc. 

5.     IRRESPONSIBILITY: this is a very strong character flaw where an individual has over time developed the habit of absorbing himself or herself of any blame even though he or she is at fault.

It can even get to a point where such individual either blames God or the devil, on people or government, circumstance or situation for his or her mistakes or inadequacies. Such people always look for a way to rope other people into a situation except themselves. For everything that happens, something or someone is responsible for it except them.

The first person to introduce irresponsibility into the world was Adam; who absolved himself of any blame which made him to abdicate his authority of the planet earth to the devil.   


1.     ALWAYS BE SENSITIVE: your sensitivity will always prevent you from entering into captivity. Insensitive people do not discern when people with such character enter into their lives or when they start exhibiting such character flaws.

2.     DO NOT IGNORE SIGNS: every time people become victims of these characters flaws, it eventually occurs to them that they saw the signs initially but they ignored it thinking it will change but it never did because they were carried away by emotion and sentiment.

3.     QUESTION ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING: a lot of people are too afraid to ask questions while some others are fond of avoiding questions. However, you cannot know anything you don’t make serious inquiries and research on. Most divorce cases and marriage crashes would have been avoided if the parties involved asked uncensored questions on anything and everything and I mean everything.

A lot of people dabble into marriage all in the name of love not knowing who or what they are getting married to. The bad part of these character flaws is that they are hidden  and daisy in nature only to emerge few years after to cause a critical catastrophe, which could have been avoided if enough inquiries were made.  

4.     ACQUIRE ENOUGH KNOWLEDGE: knowledge suggests light. Therefore darkness denotes the absence of light which represents ignorance. This means that the presence of darkness in any area of your life makes you a victim of that area, be it finance, business, relationship or marriage. A lot of people ignore this fact, relying on their head knowledge, their emotion, their personal ideologies, sentiment or opinions only to face the consequences later on in life.

The Bible says ‘my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge’. Ignorance is a slayer but it can be circumvented and truncated. Every time you are in a dilemma and you don’t know what to do, it’s simply because you are ignorant of what to do in that area. Therefore, be an ardent seeker of knowledge; Read, research, study, observe and become a curious learner. Remember, the amount of what you earn is a function of the amount of what you learn.

5.     PRAY WITH PRECISION: prayer means giving heavenly interference to earthly affairs. It also means giving God intrusions to human endeavors. Our human capacities have its limits, we therefore need the help of divinity in our human activities.

If things have already gone wrong even though they could have been avoided, it can still be corrected in the place and process of prayer. However, prayer has to be done in the right way which is praying with accuracy. Prayer helps you to develop insight on what to do. Prayer gives you direction on what to do. Prayer opens you up to see things from a bigger perspective. Prayer helps you to see the loop holes and how to correct them. Praying with precision means to communicate with accuracy which is a product of knowledge. In order to know how to pray with precision, I strongly recommend everyone to watch the movie ‘War Room’.  This movie will teach you how pray with precision to get tangible results.
I hope I have been able to inspire you with this article and I hope you have learnt something from it. 

It has always been my pleasure to not just make common sense but to also make uncommon sense. 

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