4 ways to deal with frustration


Life can be frustrating when you're not getting your desired results. However, it's imperative for you to know that frustration is a good thing because it's a sign that something needs to be corrected that can change your life. 

So, this is what you should do.

1. SEAT DOWN AND CARRY OUT SOME PERSONAL EVALUATION: It's important to do a personal appraisal   of your life to see what is missing, where you're getting it wrong and what needs to be corrected. I do this all the time and it helps me to make adjustments and improvements where necessary. Don't wait until things gets bad before you can make the adjustments. 

2. LISTEN TO WHAT PEOPLE AND NATURE  ARE SAYING TO YOU: There are vital information that you're not paying attention to. Life is always speaking either through people, nature, your body, your environment etc.  but we're most times not keen enough to pay attention to. This can be the reason why you seem to be frustrated. Spend some quiet time alone and do your self evaluation. You'll be shocked to see what you'll find out about yourself. 

3. DON'T BE IN A HURRY TO JUDGE YOURSELF. Yes, we all make mistakes. Mistakes are part of our learning process irrespective of what your mistake is, but you must learn not to judge yourself. It's okay to learn from your mistake but don't make it become your life label or a stigma on yourself. I've seen people create a negative label on themselves. Imagine a woman calling herself "an olodo". What if she decides to improve on herself rather than accepting that life label. This is why you must learn the vital details of your mistakes and move forward with your life. 

4. SEEK HELP OUTSIDE OF YOURSELF: A man in a well cannot help himself out until he calls for help on the outside. Frustration is a good sign that something needs to be fixed. If you can't help yourself then seek out for help either through acquiring knowledge, therapy, coaching, training or counsel especially from those whose judgment you trust or those who are good at what they do or those whose results you admire. Drop your pride and seek for help. I usually ask for help when I'm stuck too. This is what makes us humans. 

Finally, you must learn to see frustration from a positive point of view. See it from another standpoint that your life still has meaning but needs a little tweek and adjustments so you can improve and become better. 

I hope I've added some value to you today. 

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My name is Coach Daniel Kemka. I want you to see frustration from a positive point of view that your life still has a meaning. 

© Daniel Kemka Blog


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